Ice and Fire Mod Wiki

The Scribe is a villager profession that trades many mod-related items.


Scribes look like regular villagers, but with a red garb, iron shoulder plates, dark brown gloves, and a brown hat. One of their eyes is missing, perhaps a wound from a dragon. The scribe's house looks like a small tower. Inside the house there is a pile of gold, silver and copper, as well as a podium with a bestiary and bestiary lectern.


For a resident to become a scribe, you need to put his job site block - bestiary lectern down next to them. Also, scribe houses appear in all types of villages.


Scribes trade many dragon related items, along with a few other mod-related and vanilla items. They have the same trade leveling system as regular villagers, and will also give the player discounts or raise prices.

Note: Trade data was taken from

Level Item Requested Default Amount Item Given Quantity
Novice Emerald 1 Manuscript 4
Bookshelf 3 Emerald 1
Paper 15 Emerald 2
Ash 10 Emerald 1
Apprentice Silver Ingot 5 Emerald 1
Fire Lily 8 Emerald 1
Lightning Lily 7 Emerald 3
Sapphire Gem 1 Emerald 2
Amethyst Gem 1 Emerald 3
Emerald 3 Frost Lily 4
Emerald 2 Dragon Ice Spikes 7
Emerald 2 Jar 1
Emerald 2 Desert Myrmex Resin Chunk 1
Emerald 2 Jungle Myrmex Resin Chunk 1
Journeyman Dragon Bone 6 Emerald 1
Chain Line 2 Emerald 3
Emerald 6 Pixie Dust 2
Emerald 6 Fire Dragon Flesh 2
Emerald 7 Ice Dragon Flesh 1
Emerald 8 Lightning Dragon Flesh 1
Expert Dread Shard 5 Emerald 1
Emerald 4 Shiny Scales 1
Emerald 4 Troll Tusk 12
Emerald 8 Stymphalian Bird Feathers 12
Emerald 10 Dragon Bone 2
Master Ectoplasm 6 Emerald 1
Emerald 12 Hydra Fang 1
Emerald 15 Serpent Fang 3

